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rheumatology india
Specialized Care

Rheumatoid Arthritis

"Why me?" is a common question for those diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). While the exact cause remains elusive, research indicates the following as probable causes : 

  •  smoking, both active and passive,
  •  numerous genes linked to RA

Diagnosing early RA poses challenges. If experiencing symptoms such as

  •  joint swelling, pain
  •  morning stiffness
  •  poor sleep
  • fatigue

Contacting a rheumatologist promptly is crucial is any of the above are being experienced. Swift intervention can alleviate discomfort and prevent long-term joint damage.


Diagnosing RA isn't straightforward; it's a clinical diagnosis. Besides history and examination, specific tests are crucial:

  • Detailed symptom history
  • Swollen joint signs
  • Pain response when squeezing knuckles
  • Elevated  CRP + ESR
  • Presence of Rheumatoid Factor (although absent in about 30% of RA cases)

In rheumatoid arthritis, delayed treatment can lead to irreversible cartilage destruction. Recent research indicates over 80% of patients develop cartilage erosions within a year. Cartilage, once damaged, cannot fully regenerate, emphasizing the urgency of early intervention. Even in later stages, treatment is vital to manage pain, swelling, and prevent organ complications. Remember, it's better late than never to seek proper treatment.

In the past decade, our understanding of rheumatoid arthritis has greatly improved, leading to numerous affordable and effective treatments accessible to most Indians. 

  • Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), like Methotrexate
  • newer biologic agents like Infliximab and Rituximab
  • Anti - TNF Biologics; that target specific molecules

With early diagnosis and effective drug management, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can lead normal lives. By employing appropriate drugs at correct doses, steroid usage can be readily avoided, ensuring optimal control of the disease.


Our approach to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) management utilizes tailored treatments guided by disease assessment tools like the DAS 28 and Haq calculators. With this approach, we achieve stabilization in 100% of our patients, and an impressive 60-80% are able to discontinue medications entirely. The DAS 28 is instrumental in assessing disease activity by considering tender and swollen joint counts, patient's global assessment, and inflammatory markers like ESR or CRP. This comprehensive score informs our treatment decisions, aiding in effective RA management and progression monitoring..